Discovering Knowledge about Single Genes

Enter a gene symbol into the relevant question input form and the provided information or resource will be shown.

Query a Single Gene across Curated Diabetes-Related Signatures

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

This module provides a volcano plot visualization of the expression levels of a given gene in various Type 2 Diabetes transcriptomics signatures. Users may enter in a single gene symbol as input; the output is a volcano plot which plots each T2D signature by gene-specific p-value (y-axis) and fold change (x-axis) as well as the corresponding tables available for download.

In what cells and tissues is my gene expressed?

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

The GeneRanger web-sever takes a human gene symbol as the input to produce box plots that display its expression across human cell types and tissue at the mRNA and protein levels.

Under what conditions or perturbations is my gene regulated?

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

This Appyter can be used to find conditions to maximally up/down regulate the expression of a gene in human/mouse based on curated GEO studies

This Appyter generates a volcano plot displaying how different drugs and small molecules may induce or suppress the expression of a specific gene based on transformed L1000 data.

What are the transcription factors that regulate my gene?

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

Query Enrichr to display transcription factor information from annotated datasets about the input gene symbol.

Is my gene associated with traits in human GWAS?

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

Query the GWAS API to find if the input gene symbol is associated with traits from the human GWAS catalog.

Is my gene correlated with other genes?

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

Query the ARCHS4 database to return the top 100 correlated genes with the input gene symbol and their pearson correlations.

Is there a knockout mouse for my gene and does it show any phenotypes?

Try an example: STAT3, AKT1

Query the MGI database through MouseMine to find phenotypes associated with the knockout of the input gene symbol. The produced table also links to the gene page on MGI, the PubMed articles from which they are sourced, and defintions for the returned phenotypes.