Discover Knowledge about Gene Sets

Enter a set of human gene symbols, or upload a file with human gene symbols, to the input form to receive an output from the various tools and databases.

Query a Gene Set across Curated Diabetes-Related Signatures

0 gene(s) entered

File formats accepted: csv, tsv, txt file with Entrez gene symbols on each line

Perform enrichement analysis through Enricher with the entered or uploaded gene set agasint our curated Diabetes gene set library. Any overlapping gene can be submitted to the Single Gene Queries page and the sets of overlapping genes can be submitted to the Gene Set Queries page.

In which annotated gene sets is my gene set enriched?

0 gene(s) entered

File formats accepted: csv, tsv, txt file with Entrez gene symbols on each line

Perform enrichement analysis through Enricher with the entered or uploaded gene set:

What transcription factors and kinases regulate my gene set?

0 gene(s) entered

File formats accepted: csv, tsv, txt file with Entrez gene symbols on each line

The ChEA3 Appyter (ChIP-X Enrichment Analysis 3) predicts transcription factors (TFs) associated with user-input sets of genes. Discrete query gene sets are compared to ChEA3 libraries of \TF target gene sets assembled from multiple orthogonal 'omics' datasets.

Kinase Enrichment Analysis 3 (KEA3) infers upstream kinases whose putative substrates are overrepresented in a user-inputted list of genes or differentially phosphorylated proteins. The KEA3 database contains putative kinase-substrate interactions collected from publicly available datasets.

What are the LINCS L1000 small molecules and genetic perturbations that likely up- or down-regulate the expression of my gene set?

0 gene(s) entered

File formats accepted: csv, tsv, txt file with Entrez gene symbols on each line

Query SigCom LINCS which is a web-based search engine that serves over 1.5 million gene expression signatures processed, analyzed, and visualized from LINCS, GTEx, and GEO. SigCom LINCS provides rapid signature similarity search for mimickers and reversers given sets of up and down genes.

In which extacted gene sets from PubMed Central is my gene set enriched?

0 gene(s) entered

File formats accepted: csv, tsv, txt file with Entrez gene symbols on each line

Perform enrichment analysis on hundreds of thousands gene sets extracted from supporting tables of over one hundred thousand articles to find the most similar gene sets that match your query.