Gene Expression Data Explorer
Info Gene counts are sourced from ARCHS4, which provides uniform alignment of GEO samples. You can learn more about ARCHS4 and its pipeline here.
Enter gene symbol:

Select conditions below to toggle them from the plot:

Cardiac tissue
GSM4952886 GSM4952887 GSM4952888 GSM4952889 GSM4952890 GSM4952891 GSM4952892 GSM4952893 GSM4952894 GSM4952895
GSM4952876 GSM4952877 GSM4952878 GSM4952879 GSM4952880 GSM4952881 GSM4952882 GSM4952883 GSM4952884 GSM4952885

Submission Date: Dec 02, 2020

Summary: Purpose: The goal of this study was to probe for the effects of iron-deficiency anemia on the cardiac transciprtome using RNA-seq

Methods: C57B6 mice were weaned onto a control or iron-deficient diet for 6 weeks. Hearts were removed and total mRNA was submitted for RNA-seq. Sequencing data was aligned using STAR and differetial gene expression analysis conducted in R using EdgeR and DESeq2. qRT–PCR validation for genes of interest was performed using TaqMan and SYBR Green assays.

Results: We mapped about 24 million sequence reads per sample to the mouse genome (build mm10) and identified 13,590 transcripts in the hearts of control and iron-deficient mice after removing lowly expressed genes and PCR duplicates. Differential gene expression analysis showed approximately 78% downregulated and 22% upregulated genes in iron-deficiency anemia compared to controls. PCA plot showed control and iron-deficient hearts clustering in two distinct and separate clusters.

Conclusions: Our study represents the first whole-transcriptomic study on cardiac samples obtained from iron-deficient and anemic mice, with biologic replicates, generated by RNA-seq technology. The RNA-seq data presented here can be used by others to explore which pathways are affected by iron-deficiency anemia

GEO Accession ID: GSE162493

PMID: 33553263


Submission Date: Dec 02, 2020

Summary: Purpose: The goal of this study was to probe for the effects of iron-deficiency anemia on the cardiac transciprtome using RNA-seq

Methods: C57B6 mice were weaned onto a control or iron-deficient diet for 6 weeks. Hearts were removed and total mRNA was submitted for RNA-seq. Sequencing data was aligned using STAR and differetial gene expression analysis conducted in R using EdgeR and DESeq2. qRT–PCR validation for genes of interest was performed using TaqMan and SYBR Green assays.

Results: We mapped about 24 million sequence reads per sample to the mouse genome (build mm10) and identified 13,590 transcripts in the hearts of control and iron-deficient mice after removing lowly expressed genes and PCR duplicates. Differential gene expression analysis showed approximately 78% downregulated and 22% upregulated genes in iron-deficiency anemia compared to controls. PCA plot showed control and iron-deficient hearts clustering in two distinct and separate clusters.

Conclusions: Our study represents the first whole-transcriptomic study on cardiac samples obtained from iron-deficient and anemic mice, with biologic replicates, generated by RNA-seq technology. The RNA-seq data presented here can be used by others to explore which pathways are affected by iron-deficiency anemia

GEO Accession ID: GSE162493

PMID: 33553263

Visualize Samples

Info Visualizations are precomputed using the Python package scanpy on the top 5000 most variable genes.

Precomputed Differential Gene Expression

Info Differential expression signatures are automatically computed using the limma R package. More options for differential expression are available to compute below.


Select conditions:

Control Condition

Perturbation Condition

Only conditions with at least 1 replicate are available to select

Differential Gene Expression Analysis
Info Differential expression signatures can be computed using DESeq2 or characteristic direction.
Select differential expression analysis method:
Bulk RNA-seq Appyter

This pipeline enables you to analyze and visualize your bulk RNA sequencing datasets with an array of downstream analysis and visualization tools. The pipeline includes: PCA analysis, Clustergrammer interactive heatmap, library size analysis, differential gene expression analysis, enrichment analysis, and L1000 small molecule search.