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GSM3119104 GSM3119108
GSM3119117 GSM3119119
Submission Date: Apr 27, 2018
Summary: We analyzed coding transcript abundance in paired biopsies of white and brown adipose tissue obtained from the supraclavicular region of 15 healthy subjects.
In a prior experiment measuring 18F-deoxyglucose uptake by PET-CT, 9 subjects displayed active brown fat and 6 did not.
GEO Accession ID: GSE113764
PMID: 29909972
Submission Date: Apr 27, 2018
Summary: We analyzed coding transcript abundance in paired biopsies of white and brown adipose tissue obtained from the supraclavicular region of 15 healthy subjects.
In a prior experiment measuring 18F-deoxyglucose uptake by PET-CT, 9 subjects displayed active brown fat and 6 did not.
GEO Accession ID: GSE113764
PMID: 29909972
No precomputed signatures are currently available for this study. You can compute differential gene expression on the fly below:
Control Condition
Perturbation Condition
Only conditions with at least 1 replicate are available to select
This pipeline enables you to analyze and visualize your bulk RNA sequencing datasets with an array of downstream analysis and visualization tools. The pipeline includes: PCA analysis, Clustergrammer interactive heatmap, library size analysis, differential gene expression analysis, enrichment analysis, and L1000 small molecule search.